What does Pilates instructor insurance cover?
Our insurance for Pilates instructors provides the necessary protection you need to cover you from potential claims. It includes comprehensive liability coverage, with optional extras like employers’ liability and personal accident insurance, allowing you to customise your policy for the best price.
This policy is specifically designed for Pilates instructors, covering one-to-one sessions, group classes, and online instruction. No matter your Pilates focus, our cover can be tailored to meet your specific needs.
Cover can be adapted for sole traders, parnerships and limited companies.
Make sure you have the correct insurance for your event and be sure to check if any exclusions are relevant to what you have planned in policy documentation.
Public Liability
Professional Indemnity
Employers’ Liability
Personal Accident
Public Liability
- From £1 million to £10 million of cover.
- Protection from claims by a third-party who sustains injuries or has their property damaged as a result of your actions.
Professional Indemnity
- From £1 million to £10 million of cover.
- Protection from claims by a third-party who sustains injuries or has their property damaged as a result of advice that you provide.
- £500 worth of equipment included.
- Add up to £30,000 of equipment cover.
- Protecting equipment, you need for your business from loss, damage and theft.
Employers’ Liability
- £10 million worth of cover.
- Protection against liability allegations made by Employee’s and includes cover for damages rewarded and defence costs.
Personal Accident Cover
- Protection for the person(s) insured, should they suffer a bodily injury caused by an accident at the business or club insured.
- A selection of incidents can be claimed for under this benefit including accidental death, permanent total disablement and temporary total disablement.
Overseas Extension
- Work abroad for up to 30 days a year.
Select Europe or Worldwide (excluding the USA).
Legal Expenses
- Cover for up to £100,000 of cover for Legal Defence, tax protection and access to specialist help-lines.
- Option to include cover for employment, property and contract disputes, as well as health and safety appeals, jury service, court attendance and licence protection.
- Coaching any activity without the relevant qualification.
- Equipment that’s left in plain sight or in an unlocked vehicle, and where there’s no sign of forced entry or damage.
- Claims where a PARQ has not been signed by the client, prior to the activity.
For further information on exclusions in your cover please refer to policy documentation.
Why do you need Pilates Instructor insurance?
As a Pilates teacher, your clients rely on you for the inspiration and guidance to achieve their fitness goals through Pilates. They trust your expertise, but despite your best intentions, things can go wrong.
Specialist insurance for Pilates professionals is crucial to safeguard your business. It enables you to offer your services with confidence, knowing you are protected if a claim is made against you. Regardless of your experience and qualifications, unexpected incidents can happen, so it’s best to be prepared.
Consider some common scenarios where having Pilates instructor insurance is essential:
Cover against claims from public injury.
If someone were to trip over a pilates mat you had placed on the floor, injured themselves and blamed you or if you accidentally damage a clients’ property such as a phone, you can claim to repair or replace it.
Having public liability protects you against these incidents such as slip-and-fall accidents, injuries caused by equipment and damage to belongings during a training session.
Accusations of negligence following a client injury.
Whilst taking part in an exercise class, for instance, a claim may be brought against you as a Pilates teacher because an instruction you’ve given. A client may suffer an injury from an exercise instruction and consider it to be your fault.
Professional Indemnity Insurance will cover legal costs and damages if a client decides to bring a claim against you for the incident.
A gym requires public liability for contracted instructors.
If you are contracted by a gym or other fitness centre to provide training services. Having suitable public liability cover will likely be a minimum requirement.
Avoid expensive equipment losses.
A client may walk off with equipment you own or if you store a stock of mats, they might become damaged in storage.
Pilates equipment cover can avoid costly replacements in case your equipment is damaged or stolen.
Financial protection from workplace injuries.
If an accident results in an injury to yourself and you need to take some time off work. Avoid loss of earnings.
Personal accident cover can provide you with financial support if you suffer an injury or accident whilst providing your service.
Our experts explain why...
“Traditionally Sports Coaches provide fitness instruction to teams and small groups, this has evolved over years to include not just recognised fitness-based exercise but also a number of activities, sports and martial arts-based fitness. We have adapted our product offering to recognise this demand, so we can make sure, whatever you are offering to your customers, we can provide you financial protection. Our insurance offering doesn’t just cover your Public Liability concerns but also those that might come from suggested negligent advice and tuition, through our Professional Indemnity extension, which we offer at no additional charge.”
Chris Trotman, Protectivity Underwriting Manager

How much does Pilates instructor insurance cost?
The cost of Pilates instructors insurance can vary depending on the level of cover you need. For example, if you use specialist equipment in your training you may need to increase the value of cover.
Investing in Pilates teacher insurance is not just about protecting you and your organisation; it’s also about having the support to focus on your clients and developing your service knowing you have everything covered.
At Protectivity policies start at just £3.86* for the year.
Prices from
£3.86* a month
Explainer quote
Policy cost
£3.86* a month
Policy type
Pilates Instructor Insurance
Policy duration
Public Liability
Professional Indemnity
Equipment Cover
This example is based on a real quote from our website on 1/10/2024. If your circumstances and cover needs differ, your quote may be more or less expensive than the above example. The quote you receive will reflect the information you share about your event. The quoted price may vary from those displayed here.
Have a question?
For further information on your policy, renewals, making a claim and contacting us, you’ll find an extensive list of FAQs on our Help & Support page.
Why choose Protectivity for your pilates instructor insurance policy?
Let the reviews of over 3,500 customers explain why you should choose us.¹
Trusted by over 150,000 customers.
Experienced insurance providers for over 30 years.

Over 3,500 highly rated reviews.
Proof of our excellent customer service.

Experienced Claims Handling
A smooth and efficient claims process.

UK Based Customer Support
Our UK sales team are here to help.
Asked Questions
I’m employed by a gym but also train private clients. Do I need separate insurance?
Yes, the gym’s insurance typically only covers you while working directly for them. You need separate insurance for private clients and sessions conducted outside the gym’s jurisdiction.
Do I need different insurance if I specialise in specific areas like yoga or martial arts?
While standard personal trainer insurance often covers various disciplines, some specialities may require additional cover. Always declare your specific activities to ensure appropriate cover.
What happens if a client gets injured during a session?
Your insurance should cover legal costs and compensation if a client claims their injury resulted from your instruction or negligence. You’ll need to report the incident to us immediately and document all relevant details.
Why do I need personal trainer insurance?
As a fitness professional, you need insurance to protect against potential claims arising from client injuries, professional negligence, or accidents during training sessions. It’s often required by gyms and fitness facilities, and it safeguards your career and personal assets.
What Types of Personal Trainers are covered?
Our personal trainer insurance goes beyond standard cover, recognising that the fitness industry covers a whole range of different training environments. Protectivity’s specialist cover is designed to protect you and your clients, regardless of the unique services you offer.
We can cover the following types of personal training:
- Group Personal Training Classes: Tailored for personal trainers who lead group classes, whether you’re indoors or outdoors. This cover includes protection from claims related to group activities, including public liability and injury claims that may arise in a larger class setting.
- Yoga, Pilates, and Mind-Body Classes: Cover extends to trainers offering yoga, Pilates, and other mind-body disciplines. This specialty insurance considers the distinct nature of these practices, including protection from claims related to physical adjustments, specific poses, and any equipment used, such as yoga mats, blocks, or Pilates reformers.
- Martial Arts-Based Fitness: For trainers who incorporate martial arts elements—such as kickboxing, jiu-jitsu, or self-defence techniques—into their sessions, our insurance provides cover tailored to the risks unique to these high-intensity activities.
- Outdoor and Boot Camp Training: Perfect for trainers who conduct sessions in parks, on beaches, or other outdoor locations. This cover addresses the risks associated with public spaces, environmental factors, and portable equipment. It also includes guidelines for conducting pre-session risk assessments.
- Online and Virtual Training: Our insurance includes options for trainers offering virtual sessions. Cover protects you from claims associated with virtual instructions, whether they stem from injury during live classes or prerecorded sessions shared with clients.
- Specialty Equipment Insurance: If you use specialised equipment such as resistance bands, kettlebells, or reformers, this optional equipment cover can protect against theft, damage, or loss. You can select the level of cover to match the value of your equipment, ensuring peace of mind whether you’re training in a gym or outdoors.
- Dance and Aerobics Classes: Cover is also available for instructors leading dance-based fitness classes, including Zumba, cardio dance, and step aerobics. This option provides protection for injuries or incidents related to high-energy dance routines, covering everything from slips and falls to interactions with equipment like step platforms.
Our cover options make it easy to create an insurance plan that aligns with your professional services, whether you’re working one-on-one, leading group classes, or teaching in unique environments. With tailored protection, you can focus on delivering exceptional fitness experiences while ensuring you and your clients are covered.
Will my equipment be replaced on a new for old basis?
Yes, provided the insured value meets the cost of the new item.
Can you advise me about the medical questionnaires I am meant to give to my clients?
Typically we would expect personal trainers to have a pre-exercise readiness questionnaire, which they give out to all of their clients. Usually, personal trainers have been taught about this in their training. We do not have a generic form that we are able to provide, although we need you to be aware of the medical condition of all your clients.
Can you cover me for instructing children?
Yes, we can cover personal trainers who instruct children. We expect trainers to have obtained a suitable qualification for teaching children.
Am I covered to offer nutritional advice?
Yes, provided you hold a relevant qualification.
How much cover do I need?
To determine what level is right for you or your business it’s important to consider the likelihood of a claim and the potential costs that may be incurred should a claim arise. If you use third-party facilities you should check to see if they have a minimum requirement. Often local authority facilities and schools require a minimum of £5 million.
Can you cover me to teach outside of the UK?
Yes, providing you have selected the appropriate option of either Europe or Worldwide (excluding the USA). You must be a UK resident and cover is limited to 30 days during the annual period.
I instruct clients outside of a gym, will I be covered for this?
Yes, we’ll cover you for teaching anywhere in the UK, be it in a third party gym, client’s home or a public area. All we ask is that you’re qualified.
Do I need to hold a First Aid certificate?
No, it’s great if you have one, just in case a client needs first response assistance, but it’s not compulsory.
Can this policy cover more than one coach or trainer?
Yes, subject to the other trainers/coaches being part of your company and only if you select “Partnership/Limited Company” as your business type. You will also need to consider Employers’ Liability if these other trainers/coaches are to be included in your policy of insurance. We are unable to cover bona fide subcontracted trainers/coaches on your policy of insurance.
Are there any restrictions on where I train?
As long as you are qualified there are no restrictions as to where you can take your personal training sessions or exercise classes. Be it in a gym, at home or in a local park we can provide cover for you. We do ask that the appropriate risk assessment is carried out beforehand.
Am I covered for working online?
Yes, provided you comply with the below requirements for remote coaching/instruction (live or prerecorded):
In respect of any coaching or instruction that is undertaken remotely, it is strongly recommended that the Insured should:
At the commencement of the session, advise participants:
- that by participating they are doing so at their own risk;
- a suitable, non-slip floor space is required and any potential obstructions in the vicinity are removed before they participate;
- to avoid activities if they have, or suspect they may have any current health concerns, injuries, aches and pains;
- avoid the use of blades, weapons or sharp instruments of any description;
- avoid physical contact with other participants and where appropriate, adhere to social distancing guidelines;
Ensure that sessions are conducted for the benefit of participants who have demonstrated sufficient suitability to participate;
- with new clients you must ensure that;
- you obtain a signed PAR-Q form prior to the first session
- you have had a pre-training consultation call
- Continue to only instruct activities in which you are qualified to do so;
- Record the session. Retaining the recording for a period of up to thirty-six (36) months may assist in any claim made against you
- Maximum class size is 16
Discover more from Protectivity
This page content has been created for general information and should not be taken as advice.
*Prices quoted refer to a quote raised from our website 01/10/2024. Prices will differ depending on requirements. Make sure you have the correct level of cover for what you need. For the most accurate pricing, please get a quote and for full details on what is covered refer to our policy documentation with your quote.
** Based on Protectivity sales data from 2007 to Sep 2024
ˆ10% discount for policies bought online and applies only to the first-year of your policy premium. Protectivity reserves the right to amend or withdraw this offer at any time. Available to UK residents only.
¹Based on live Feefo data