The Cost of Kids Sports Clubs

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Throughout childhood, our kids learn about themselves and their interests. Ranging from arts to sports, kids’ clubs are a fantastic opportunity to provide children with the chance to explore new hobbies and make lifetime friendships. 

Sports clubs in particular have many added benefits, allowing children to develop skills, and positive health and as they generally involve long-term commitment – children who take part in sports clubs are more likely to continue participating in physical activity through to adulthood. 

In a bid to uncover the cost of kids’ sports clubs across the UK, researchers here have analysed over 4000 sports clubs to see which locations are the least – and most – affordable…

A map displaying the areas in the UK which have the most expensive sports clubs

The Most Expensive Sports Clubs Across The UK 

Luton was revealed to be the most expensive in the UK for kids sporting clubs, costing on average £129.50 per session or £777 across the summer holidays if they’re attending one session per week. Based on the average salary after tax over the 6 week period (£3,804) in Luton this would amount to 20.43% of a parents salary! 

The second most expensive location for sports clubs is Stoke-on-Trent where the average children’s sports club sets parents back £128.30 per session. If children in Stoke-on-Trent are attending a session every week of the summer holidays this will total £770 which is 29.84% of the average salary over 6 weeks.

Oxford is the third most expensive location in the UK for children’s sports clubs, totalling £696 for the summer holidays (£116.06 per session on average). As the average salary in Oxford is £3,231 over the summer period after-tax, this will cost parents 21.55% of their monthly salary! 

A map displaying the areas in the UK which have the most affordable sports clubs

The Most Affordable Sports Clubs Across The UK 

Nuneaton was revealed to be the most affordable location for kids’ sports clubs, only costing £4.88 per session, totalling only £29 for the whole summer holidays if parents were to enrol their children for one session a week. Although parents may be tempted to sign their child up for more clubs, the cost of one per week will only cost them 1.07% of the average salary! 

In second place for affordability is Weston-Super-Mare. The average  kids’ sports club is only £5.50, costing £33 for the whole summer! Following in third place is Birkenhead. The average kids club is just £5.67 per session and £34 for the whole summer. Only costs parents 1.37% of their monthly salary!

What Impacts Children Participating in Sport? 

The number of children being active did see a recent decline due to Coronavirus, however recent studies have shown participation is up to 91%. Interestingly, boys and girls are both as likely to be active with 45% of each gender taking part in regular physical activity.

As sports clubs help children develop skills that help them in school, their personal lives and across their futures it’s positive to see both girls and boys embracing getting active! 

Unfortunately, only 39% of children from lower affluent families are taking part in physical activity, which is less than those from medium affluent families (44%) and high affluence (50%) 

With the cost of kids’ sports clubs so high in some areas of the UK, it’s understandable why affluence may affect why some children may not be able to participate. 


To uncover the average cost of kids’ sports clubs, the team at Protectivity analysed over 4,000 club listings across the UK. The average cost per area was calculated by averaging the cost of each club per session. 

The cost for the summer holidays was calculated by assuming a child would attend one sports club per week of the summer holidays. 

The locations chosen were from a seed list of 100 areas in the UK with the largest populations. 

The activities were gathered by creating a seed list of sports clubs for children from the NHS.

Participation, gender and affluence statistics are for 2021 and gathered from Sport England