What Insurance Do You Need to Organise Your Own Sports Event?
Thinking of organising your own sports event? It’s a great way to get everyone together, raise money for charity or even have a bit of fun. And with running, swimming and obstacle course races growing ever popular now are the perfect time to put an event like this one!
So what do you need to run this event in terms of insurance?
For those who may not have organised an event before or may not do this on a full-time basis the world of insurance can be a little confusing. And organisers want to know that the event can run without them needing to worry about whether they are covered or not. Therefore, we have put together a checklist of what organisers should be looking for when shopping for their sports event insurance cover;
Public Liability – First and foremost is public liability insurance and this is a term most people will be familiar with as most businesses will have it in place. This is insurance which covers the business should anyone claim against you for injury suffered which they deem to be the business’s fault. In the case of a sporting event, this could be participants, spectators or third parties who are injured whilst taking part or watching or whilst using the facilities. This also covers the event should damage occur to any third party property. This type of insurance covers your legal costs for a claim such as these. With Protectivity Insurance, policies can be taken out for £2, £5 and £10million public liability cover so it important to risk assess and decide on the appropriate level for your sports event.
Employers Liability – This type of insurance is a legal requirement for any business or event that has people working for them whether paid or voluntary. This covers the organiser for any claims made against their members of staff for injuries which have occurred to spectators, participants or third parties which have occurred as an alleged result of their negligence.
Equipment Cover – Some events may involve some sort of equipment and therefore it is a good idea to include cover for this should it get damaged, lost or stolen in the course of the event. At Protectivity Insurance this is offered as an add-on to our sports event insurance cover. Do make sure you read your policy wording as there may be conditions on the policy such as it must be kept in a locked facility to reduce the risk of theft.
Buildings Cover – At Protectivity Insurance if they organiser is the owner of the business premises where the event is taking place we can offer buildings cover as an add-on to our sports event insurance. This will cover any damage to the building that occurs during the event.
Most insurance company, Protectivity Insurance included, will look at each sports event on an individual basis to decide on a cost as no two events will be the same.
At Protectivity Insurance, to get your sports event insurance quote simply visit our sports event insurance page and fill out the form giving us as much detail as you can about your event. We will then aim to get a quote back to you within two working hours.