Yes, we can insure you to transport dogs in your own vehicle. Should you get into an accident, we will cover any potential injuries or death to the dogs under your care. You will need to ensure that you have suitable car insurance in place as we cannot cover your vehicle or any passengers.
FAQ Category: Dog Walking Insurance
The pet business insurance policy is valid anywhere in the UK and covers the following business activities: dog walking, dog training, pet behaviourist, pet minding, sitting and boarding, pet taxi and transporting (UK only), grooming and microchipping.
Included within the grooming activities are; hand scissoring, clipping, wash and blow drying, hand-stripping, de-shedding, nail cutting, ear plucking and cleaning, and anal gland expression.
Yes, this is covered as part of our Care, Custody and Control benefit. If a dog gets attacked by another dog, hit by a car or injures itself in your care, our dog walking insurance covers you for claims stemming from injury, illness or accidental death of the animals that are in your business’ care.
Up to £100,000 worth of cover is provided for animals in your care (limited to £25,000 per animal), should the business be blamed for the incident. This benefit does not cover any animals belonging to the business owner or members of staff.
If you employ any of the following members of your family, they too will be covered for Public Liability under your policy as standard. You do not need to take out Employers’ Liability to cover those family members either. If, however, your business is a limited company and the family members are directors and/or employees/volunteers, the close family extension will not apply.
Close Family members defined as: Husband, wife, civil partner, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, stepfather, stepmother, son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, stepson, stepdaughter, brother, sister, half-brother or half-sister.