ports leagues which employ members of staff, whether on a paid or voluntary basis will also require employers’ liability alongside the league insurance cover. Employers’ Liability insurance enables businesses to meet the costs of damages and legal fees for employees who are injured or ill at work. As a result, it is a legal obligation for businesses in the UK who employ staff to have employers’ liability insurance to provide cover against a claim by an employee. (Employers’ liability insurance will not be required in the instances where sub-contractors with their own insurance of at least £2m public liability are used).

As well as protecting yourself as a league organiser from 3rd party claims the likelihood is that you will also require some specialist league insurance in order to run the league. This may be because you are using hired or rented facilities and as a result the local authority or facility owners may request proof of insurance before the league can commence. At Protectivity our league insurance package not only allows you to meet the requirements of facility owners but will also protect you against 3rd party claims.