FAQ Category: Sports Travel
For Climbing (sea cliffs / ice climbing), Mountain climbing (with ropes and/or guides), you will be limited to 4000m when outside of Europe (zones 2 and 3).Please note that if you are likely to come across ice whilst you are climbing, you will need to select mountain climbing incl. ropes/guides. This will cover you for crevassed approaches and descents to mountain summits and ice climbing involving ice axes, crampons, ropes and the use of bolts.
It will depend upon what the condition is and the treatment being received, and it may be affected by the sport that you are planning to do. You would need to provide details which would be submitted to our underwriters, who would then agree the terms under which they would approve the condition. For some more common conditions we can tell you instantly whether or not you would be covered. Otherwise, you can expect to hear within 24 hours (during the working week).
At the first opportunity, you (or someone on your behalf) should call our International Medical Group number 01494 412402. They will be able to help and advise you, and where possible deal direct with the hospital / clinic. If you need alternative flights / transport to get you home, they can help to arrange this. If the treatment is not an emergency, you should always check first to ensure that it will be covered. If you are in Europe, show your EHIC card whenever requested, and then you will not be charged the excess on your policy.